With iOS 13, Siri launches built-in application support

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With the release of the iOS 13 update, many innovations that were not mentioned in the launch, but of importance, began to emerge. One of these is the built-in support of third-party applications by Siri.

Built-in support

Prior to iOS 13 , automation was required with Siri Shortcuts for Siri integration in non-Apple third-party applications. This is now achieved without any adjustment.

The built-in Siri support offers some advantages. For example, you can directly command applications such as Google Maps or Waze while driving and keep an eye on the road.

Of course, developers must also provide Siri integration. Currently , Waze, Google Maps, Pandora has released updates such platforms. The number needs to increase for a smooth experience.

On the other hand, the default apps on Siri will always be Apple apps. For example, a Maps request opens Apple Maps. For this reason, Google Maps should also be mentioned.

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