Xiaomi's Wireless Charging Technology Failed Cable

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Wireless charging technology has always lagged behind wired charging technologies. The first fruit of the technological jump in the last 18 months has been demonstrated by the Chinese phone manufacturer Xiaomi . Xiaomi has overcome wired charging with wireless charging technology .

Xiaomi has been one of the leading companies in wireless charging until now and has focused its R&D investments on this issue. After the rapid development in recent days, the company said that they have reached the level of 40W wireless charging . Chang Cheng , the company's vice president , said that they have reached the level of delivering faster solutions to the users with the statement made through the widely used instant messaging service Weibo in China .

Chang Cheng was not only released, but a video was released to the company's followers to show the level of new wireless charging speeds. The phone, which has a 4,000mAh battery in the video, has filled the 50 percent charge level in just 20 minutes .

Huawei's fastest wired charging previously achieved a significant success by making a 4,200mAh battery fully charged within 1 hour . Xiaomi has managed to capture a similar development over wireless charging.

The innovation made by Xiaomi may not be reflected directly on the phones: Last year, Xiaomi again came to its users with 100W cable charging. Despite this, the Mi 10 Pro produced by the company allowed a maximum of 50W wired charging. In the last flagship Mi 10 Pro, the wireless charging top point was set to 30W. In short, Xiaomi was not at a level to apply this on all of its phones, but it was an important indicator in terms of showing the point where the improvements came from.

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