Zuckerberg Announces: WhatsApp Pay System Will Be Global

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Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of WhatsApp's parent company Facebook, said in a presentation to investors that WhatsApp's payment system could be launched globally in the next few months. What is this WhatsApp Pay ?

WhatsApp Pay is trying to combine the messaging and payment system Facebook has brought together and has tested in India for over 1 million users a year. Users who can pay to their friends, office or market via the messaging network can shop securely via WhatsApp.

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As it is widely used in Asia  , we can say that  WhatsApp Pay has promising results during the test period. For now, WhatsApp Pay, which is only used for testing purposes in India,  can become the choice of users with its simplicity and user friendliness. Anyone with a verified account can use WhatsApp Pay, associate their credit card to perform local or online transactions.

Also, WhatsApp Pay, which enables users to exchange money directly between individuals, can be offered globally in a short time like six months. We do not know which payment systems in our country will support WhatsApp Pay, which CEO Zuckerberg says is currently being developed.  But would you prefer to send money via WhatsApp?

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