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What is Network?

What is Network?

The connection of two or more computers with each other in a wired or wireless way and exchanging data is called a network.
Its history dates back to the 1960s and is widely used today. The largest known network is the Internet.

Network allows you to easily access not only computers but also other components on the network. For this reason, it is indispensable for companies,
especially in the business world. For example, instead of buying a printer for each computer, all computers connected to it can print with a single
printer. To give another example, you can connect to a computer at a distance and easily access the file you need. In this way, multiple users can
communicate with each other at a lower cost, transfer files/applications and exchange data. Wireless network systems are divided into 3 according to the area they cover; Local Area Network (LAN) - Local Area Connection It is a small-scale network system formed as a result of connecting more than one computer, which are close to each other in terms of settlement
(building, workplace, etc.). It aims for the common use of personal devices such as computers, printers, mobile devices.

Metropolian Area Network (MAN) - Campus Network Connection

It is a network system that has more than one LAN (for example, a city) with more boundaries than a LAN. It can appear as a public service as well 
as belonging to a single company or institution. The reason why it is specified as a metropolitan is that it affects a large area.

Wide Area Network (WAN) - Wide Area Connection

It represents a very large area geographically. Since it refers to the networks spread over the world, it is the largest network system in this respect.
Example; The connection of the branches of the companies in different cities with each other can be given as an example to this network. In many 
different fields such as education, security, commercial, private

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