We continue to serve as Wise Soft

HomepageNews from UsWe continue to serve as Wise Soft

Established in September 2007, Erkan Soft changed its Title/Brand as Wise Soft as of January 2022. We will continue to serve you as "wise soft" with our new brand.

The title/brand change does not cover any situation that will affect our valued users.
Your agreements are still valid. All your services will maintain the same continuity. this change is only due to the title/brand change of our company.

Our company's head office has changed. The address of our new head office is Halkapınar Mahallesi 1203 Sk. No 13/1206 Onuk Plaza Konak/İzmir
Our contact number: 08503464062
Our current e-mail addresses: info@wisesoft.com.tr | hello@wisesoft.com.tr

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